Head fake! Four new cigarette brands BANNED BY FDA in bold move to pretend they care about “limiting” dangerous cigarette ingredients

For the FIRST TIME EVER, the FDA has made a Big Tobacco cigarette company stop selling certain types and brand names. R.J. Reynolds had to pull from the shelves “Vantage Tech 13” (more appealing to youth), “Camel Bold Crush” and a couple of others. The FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products Director Mitch Zeller claimed it was the FDA’s “consumer protection duty to remove products from the market when they fail to meet the public health bar set forth under law.”

The public health bar set forth under law

What health bar is set for commercial cigarettes? Is the hit of nicotine regulated with a maximum dosage per cigarette? Is it disclosed at ALL that commercial cigarettes are juiced up with ammonia to make the nicotine up to thirty five times as strong?

Which health bar is Mitch Zeller speaking about – the one that says tobacco shall not contain glass wool and plastic in the filter and papers? Yes, there shall be NO MORE “Pall Mall Deep” – not even the menthol versions with the set recessed filters. Those are just too dangerous, or could be, or might not be. We don’t know, because nobody and no one tests cigarettes for dangerous chemicals or nicotine content levels.

Here’s the FDA quote:

“These decisions were based on a rigorous, science-based review designed to protect the public from the harms caused by tobacco use. The agency will continue to review product submissions and exercise it’s legal authority and consumer protection duty to remove products from the market when they fail to meet the public health bar set forth under law.”

Really? Limiting cigarette brands from marketing because they haven’t proven to be any safer than the ones already running the show? The FDA is at it again, pretending to be regulating the ingredients that are in cigarettes, but we aren’t even talking about ammonia, fiberglass, cellulose acetate (plastic that’s in photo film) and deadly pesticides.

This all started, really, back in 2009, when Congress told the FDA they could regulate cancer sticks. Finally, six years later, the FDA throws a head fake to make the public believe they are doing their job. Maybe it’s a funding thing. Nobody on the outside can be certain of the motive behind such staged press releases. Of course, R.J. Reynolds had no comment.

The Food and Drug Administration BLOCKED THE SALE of four cigarette brands!

That’s what headlines read in newspapers and on televisions across America. Mainstream media spread the script like wildfire, across the net too.




The agency used its new “limited authority.” And what about all those insane drugs advertised on television with side effects like internal bleeding and suicide?

“Today’s actions reflect the FDA’s ability to use its legal authority under scientific review,” said Zeller.

Scientific review? So what did the FDA find?

They reiterated the same old stale mantra about how tobacco use continues to be the leading cause of preventable disease; however, GMO food is making a run for first place rather quickly. The FDA called the new tobacco brands “adulterated” and “misbranded.” And that means commercial cigarettes are NOT adulterated? The FDA seem like the three stooges – just bumbling idiots explaining away a media stunt.

If retailers don’t pull the products within 30 days, the FDA says they will seize them

So the FDA is going to pay for representatives to go to retailers and seize at gunpoint the NEW cigarette brands that have menthol capsules inside them? Wait, what’s the mission again? How much money will this cost US taxpayers – to pay for this rogue commercial cigarette prohibition mission?

Rogue cigarette prohibition mission of the FDA

“Today’s decision sets an important precedent that almost certainly will apply to other brands. The FDA’s action is a critical step in preventing the introduction of tobacco products that may be more appealing to youth, more addictive or more harmful,” Matthew Myers, president of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, spit out in a statement.

Why not remove AMMONIA and FIBERGLASS from all cigarettes then?

The BIG QUESTION for BIG TOBACCO would then be why not remove the 7,000 chemicals that cause lung cancer, heart disease, lowered immunity and thousands of deaths from second-hand smokers? Who cares how much menthol is in there, really?

Health enthusiasts who like to help smokers end their plight of nicotine addiction and the cigarette-hangover-relief cycle all turn to a natural method that ends the habit within 14 days and teaches the new non-smoker all the right foods that keep the cravings of cigarettes away forever. It’s recommended by the Health Ranger, Mike Adams, and by a world leading nutritionist and best-selling author David Wolfe.

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