A three-step plan to end the Cigarette nightmare now!

So do it now. Clean out your pantry, your refrigerator, your freezer, of all junk food, canned meat and fish, processed food, boxed meals, and microwaveable “uselessness.” It doesn’t matter how much you like something, if it’s making you sick and cigarette-addicted, it’s trash! Toss the sugar out or give it away if you don’t want to waste it. Throw out all the synthetic sugars and any food which contains them. One dose of Aspartame, Sucralose or Sorbitol could fool your body into thinking it needs “super sweet” and you could have a chemical relapse and want to “light up.” Later on, a month or two from now, you can cheat with food a little, or drinks at the bar or whatever, but never a cigarette, or you get dragged back into the pack a day undertow. Think of only holistic, wholesome living like when you were a kid. Energy and vitality brew inside you! No coughing, no shaky hands, no more quick-to-tire from a little activity. No. This is really happening. You can be YOU again! Move forward and never look back.


Immediately go to a grocer, farmer’s market, or health food store and buy organic fruits and vegetables. Make a salad at home, and keep it simple, with some or all of the following: Kale, spinach, celery, cucumber, carrots, pickles, olives, onion, and/or tomato. Buy organic dressing too, except for organic soy (no soy is good for us unless it’s fermented). Make sure everything you buy for meals and snacks is organic. You don’t need to be eating pesticide while detoxifying from the 4,000 chemicals that were in your cigarettes. If you don’t want to eat salad every day or if it’s too much roughage for your system, you can juice vegetables with juicer! Some are inexpensive, just shop it, like $100 or less, and they sell them at retail kitchen item shops or on line! Here is a $100 juicer on Amazon, for example: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0157G5Q8C?psc=1


Light Exercise Daily is Super Important


Start a little exercise routine that you like. It should be easy, really easy at first so that it’s fun. Stretch a little first so you’re not sore the next day. That’s key. Just go on a little jog, or do some push ups and crunches on a mat your den floor, or jump rope outside, or just go for a “fast” walk, and burn a little energy. Get that heart rate up a little. Sweat a little. Keep it light. 15 minutes of cardio is a maximum starter. Smile as much as possible, as often as possible, even when things don’t go your way.


Buy some recommended supplements. I’m not saying go break your wallet, or empty your purse, or your bank account on supplements. I am saying that you have been wasting $35 a week on cigarettes if you’re a pack-a-day smoker, and $70 if two packs a day. Spend that at first, then you can cut it in half after 30 days or so. It doesn’t take a whole lot to supplement your body, but you need it, and you need it badly right now. Remember, every person’s body is different, so there’s no set guideline here. Shop for some vitamin B complex (with niacin).


Ask about mucuna! Again, ask questions about how much and when. Your Naturopath Physician will also be a good guide here. That may take only a phone call.


Then look at the amino acids, like Tyrosine and Glutamine. These will help repair and rebuild your muscles, muscle tissue, lung tissue that’s damaged, throat and epithelial tissue, and so on! Trust me here.  






Prepare Your Mind, Body and Soul for Transformation!


Millions of people go to doctors for prescriptions for depression, anxiety, and other illnesses, when they could simply filter chemicals out of their daily diet and feel great. The second you stop smoking, you should begin detoxifying your body using raw vegetables and spring water. Your body must become “alkalized” to reward you with vitality and energy. Ever read about food grade hydrogen peroxide? What about baking soda? You can detoxify your lung tissue by alkalizing your body. Ever heard of colloidal silver? It’s nature’s antibiotic (like oil of oregano which even kills viruses) that prevents common colds, flu’s, and infections. I’m not saying you have to go out and buy all these things just to quit cigarettes, but I am saying your body is acid heavy and polluted with chemicals, and this is a new beginning for you.


Do NOT FEAR Quitting: You have knowledge now, and that will prove to be your escape!


We are living during a century of massive change and “upheaval.” But this is a good thing for the ones who forge a natural path. We are well into the second decade of the third millennium. We humans are now gaining more clarity of purpose. As you move to quit cigarettes, you are thinking about those around you and how you could be an inspiration to them, for them, and a role model. Your family and friends will be so happy for you. You will see their eyes sparkle when you tell them you’re done with cigarettes, thanks to this handy dandy little book and your own will power. And when they ask you HOW YOU DID IT, you just say, “I made up my mind to be healthy again.”


Pave your “Roads” with Proper Nutrition – the Secret to Feeling Great All Day


No need to re-invent the wheel. Pave your “roads” with good nutrition and natural energy, confidence, and charisma. Cigarettes have robbed you of this path. There’s no need to re-invent the wheel. Cigarettes are wrecking your charisma and confidence. People will notice your aura around you when you quit. You won’t even have to tell them and they’ll say that there is something different about you. It’s your glow – your positive energy field.


Here’s why you don’t “glow” now: pesticide, ammonia, bleach and plastic are burning up your nutrients, your positivity, and your means of relaxing. It’s not your fault though it’s just that you’ve been dragged into a living nightmare. The nicotine is just temporary relief from the nightmare. I know. However, the answer is here in your hands! 14AndOut won’t just help you quit smoking cigarettes, but it ensures that you never go back to the habit. This is not some gimmick to help you quit for 4 to 6 months, this is your life without cigarettes; without nicotine.


IMAGINE THIS: You’ve quit smoking, and you’re saving $150 – $200 per month, probably more. Your clothes don’t smell like smoke, your breath is fresh and you’ve been working out and feel great. Then stress comes. Some situation arises and some friend standing next to you lights up a cigarette (because its going to happen one day) … And so you glance at it for a second, and then you laugh a little to yourself and then smiling at your friend, you put up your first two fingers, as if you’re holding a cigarette, and pretend to start taking a drag. It may sound goofy, but it puts you in that state of mind – that you’re better than that – better than the cancer sticks! You have a great purpose! So, then take a nice deep breath, hold and exhale, and grab your water bottle or ask the waitress for a glass of water, knowing you’re a non-smoker who is never going back. It’s mostly mental from here.


Get ready for the ultimate shift of consciousness. When you stop flooding your system with toxins, and instead flood your system with nutrients and positivity, anything is possible. Focus now and keep reading. Keep reading. You are doing the right thing for all the right reasons right now. Do not get distracted or let anyone pull you away from this.


Mike Adams, the Health Ranger and Editor-in-Chief of NaturalNews.com has this to say about 14AndOut Stop Smoking Course:

“14 & Out offers smokers a new approach to quitting the smoking habit for good – – an approach that frees you from all corporation chemicals and their physiological addictions. It does this by addressing smoking addiction with a multi-layered approach, reforming smoking behaviors, detoxifying the body from chemicals that promote addiction, and supporting the body’s healthy functioning with a sound nutritional approach that works with the brain’s natural chemistry to break addictions at a molecular level.”

cut cigs 

Life without cigarettes in 60 minutes!


Watch this: http://programs.naturalnews.com/14AndOut__TV.htm

World Famous Nutritionist David Wolfe Recommends 14AndOut!


Other sources about 14AndOut and the “Stop Smoking King




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